Interest in //Web //Win //Mobile //Database & //Life

Entity Framework Database First-Separate the entity layer from data layer

In this of the video I have separated the entity layer from data layer which will eventually help to follow the N-Tier architecture for the project. Follow the links below for the earlier parts of this tutorial. Simple Windows Form Application using Entity Framework Design First and Metro Modern Ui Sql Server Database File Using…

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Simple Windows Form Application using Entity Framework Design First and Metro Modern Ui

A simple beginner level tutorial Windows Form application using C#, Entity Framework, Sql Server Database File, Metro Modern UI. Source codes are available to download from GitHub.

N-Tier Architecture Using Entity Framework Code First For Existing Database-Part 2

In this version, the presentation layer will depend on the business logic layer and business logic layer will depend on data access layer only. Common layer/ Model layer/ Entity layer will be accessed from other layers as needed. You Tube Vimeo Github Repository

N-Tier Architecture Using Entity Framework Code First For Existing Database-Part 1

A quick tutorial for creating N-Tier architecture using Entity Framework  Code First for existing Database. In this version, the presentation and business logic layer has some dependencies on Entity Framework which I am going to eliminate in the next part of the tutorial. The presentation layer will depend on the business logic layer and business…

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