Interest in //Web //Win //Mobile //Database & //Life


Hybrid Application Development using Ionic, AngularJs, Cordova – Part 2

As we are done with the platform setup, we can move on to the next step with creating our first hybrid application, If you have missed the platform setup guide please check here. To create a new application first go to the directory where you want to create your new application using the command prompt…

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Hybrid Application Development using Ionic, AngularJs, Cordova – Part 1

Hybrid applications are talk of town in recent days. In simple words, use your web development skills (HTML5, CSS, Javascript) to create an application that will run as native application on different devices (Android, IOS, Windows mobiles etc.) with the help of some framework. In this series of articles, I will try to show how…

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JetBrains products are free now for teachers and students

Great News!!! personally I love their products, specially ReSharper for Visual Studio is a great productive tools for developers in .NET platform. From September 23rd, JetBrains announced their Student License program initially supporting students and teachers with International Student Identity Cards (ISIC) and .edu email addresses for verification. Please follow their blog post for details. Students and teachers who…

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SQL Error The multi-part identifier could not be bound.

I was trying to update data from one table of a database to another table of another database. The following TSQL makes sense about what I am talking UPDATE db1.dbo.table1 SET = WHERE db1.dbo.table1.ID = but I was getting a error like The multi-part identifier could not be bound This can be…

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Internet Explorer Object doesn’t support property or method ‘preventDefault’

I was working on a web page where I need to show or hide a div on button click using jquery, very simple code like below: $(function () { $(‘#btntest’).click(function () { event.preventDefault(); $(‘#testdiv’).toggle(); }); });   it was working fine in chorme browser, but in IE  I get the error like Object doesn’t support property…

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